More Than Classes: Hanson Supports Students In and Out of the Classroom

Hanson Gives More Than Students Expect

Nishant Goel thought he came to Hanson to get an education, but after graduation, he found himself with more than a certificate. He had achievements and experiences that extended beyond anything he expected, and he had a position that would help him build a career – all without having to leave campus.

It Started with a Decision

Goel already had around 10 years of experience working in project management in India, but he knew he needed the educational background to continue to advance. He knew he needed to combine practical experience with academic knowledge, and he knew that Canada was the place to do it.

“I chose Canada as the place to study because I knew that a Canadian education adds more value,” Goel explained. “I knew that doing a certification in Canada would have more value, whether I returned to India or not. I’m not planning to go back to India but if I did, having this education from Canada is a benefit.”

Once he knew that Canada was where he needed to study, choosing Hanson was an easy decision for Goel.

“The location in Brampton was important, but something great about Hanson is that you can choose your how schedule each semester. This was the best thing and really allowed everything to balance,” he said. In addition, Goel recognize the quality of the professors at Hanson are known to be “really good and inspiring.”

More Than Classes

Goel soon discovered that Hanson’s experience wasn’t all about classes, even though classes and studies were important priorities. He explains, “Hanson plans outings and events that let you get to know about different cultures, and different things you wouldn’t otherwise experience, and that’s really important when you’ve come from another country, to be able to do those things and make personal connections outside of the classroom.”

Studies and Success

While experiencing all Hanson has to offer inside and outside of the classroom, Goel managed to excel in his studies, earning his Project Management Certificate in April of 2023, and being recognized for his academic achievements and his work on campus as a student ambassador by being selected as valedictorian for the Winter 2023 graduating class. At that time, a single valedictorian was chosen to represent all programs and campuses from the professors’ point of view, and this recognition had great impact for Goel.

“I was inspired to apply for a job opening at Hanson right after I graduated, and I was hired in May as Registration Coordinator,” Goel said. “The professors also inspired me to get my professional Project Management certification, which I completed the following January.”

During almost a year in the role, Goel has already used many of the skills and knowledge he gained during his studies for the Project Management certificate in his full-time role at Hanson, which has him working in multiple areas including registration, recruitment, and admissions. His work each day involves numerous projects for which he needs to plan resources, and track progress, but the thing he has enjoys most is communicating with the students.

“I’m a bridge between the students and the college, and I love helping them and explaining things to them,” Goel said. “Hanson has given me so much – an education, an unexpected experience, awards, and now a job that will allow me to build a career. This is it for me – and it’s because I chose Hanson.”

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