Why Study in Canada? A Guide for International Students

Why do 530,540 students study in Canada annually?

Canada has a current population of 37.59 million people, with a population density of 4 square kilometers per person!

The Institute for Economics and Peace ranked Canada 10th most peaceful country in the world in 2021.

We host a democratically elected government, and the fundamental rights and freedoms of those living in Canada have protections under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Canada has an international reputation for being a tolerant and non-discriminatory society, but there are actually laws to back up everyone’s rights to be free of discrimination based on race, beliefs, sexual orientation, or gender.

Immigrants make up one-fifth of Canada’s entire population, and Canadian laws ensure that all people, regardless of circumstance, are free from discrimination.

For more information about beginning your journey to study in Canada and towards immigration, please contact AdmissionsONT@hansoncollege.com and one of our Admissions staff will be happy to speak with you.

If you want to learn more about what your options are in Canada regarding immigration, click here.  


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