
Did you know that you are covered under TUGO International Student Travel Insurance every semester while you are studying in Canada as a registered Hanson student?
Your insurance will automatically renew each semester as long as you are a registered student.
Examples of your insurance coverage (in Canada only):
  • Emergency Medical Expenses (X-Ray Exams, Diagnostic Laboratory Procedures, ER Visits)
  • Eye Exam with an Optometrist, General Check-Ups, Dental Plan (pain relief for an impacted wisdom tooth, fillings, crowns, bridges)
  • Emergency Physiotherapy and Chiropractic treatments

You can have a general check-up directly billed to TUGO Insurance at an MCI Clinic Location.

TUGO International Student Travel Insurance works as a reclaim for all medical treatments besides general check-ups.

Please fill out the form below to get started.

Are you currently in Canada?(Required)